Sinopsis Drama Moon in the Day (2023):
Drama ini menceritakan kisah cinta dua era, yakni dinasti Shilla dan masa kini. Do Ha (Kim Young Dae) adalah seorang bangsawan Shilla yang bertugas menyerang Daegaya. Ia kehilangan istrinya pada usia 19 tahun. Suatu hari, Do Ha memasuki tubuh seseorang yang meninggal karena masalah jantung bernama Han Min Oh.
Sementara itu, Kang Young Hwa (Pyo Ye Jin) adalah reinkarnasi dari Han Ri Ta, mendiang istri Do Ha. Kang Young Hwa adalah seorang mahasiswa berusia 24 tahun. Ia menyukai Han Min Oh sejak SMA dan telah mengenalnya selama 5 tahun. Namun, kepribadian dan sifat keduanya tidak pernah cocok. Penasaran dengan kisah selanjutnya?
Drama: Moon in the Day/ 낮에 뜨는 달
Also Known As: Daytime Moon , Moon Rising at Noon , Moonrise During the Day , Naje Tteuneun Dal , The Moon that Rises in the Day
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 14
Airs: Oct 25, 2023 – Dec 7, 2023
Airs On: Wednesday, Thursday
Pyo Ye Jin
Kim Young Dae
Ohn Joo Wan
Jung Woong In
Jung Heon
Download Drama Korea Moon in the Day Subtitle Indonesia
Episodes 1
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Vidguard | LStream | Gofile | | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 2
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | Hellabyte | GDrive | Gofile | | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 3
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | FileLions | GDrive | Gofile | | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episodes 4
360p (Hardsub Indo): Krakenfiles | Mediafire | Upstream | MegaUp | SendCM | FileLions | GDrive | Gofile | | TeraBox | Mixdrop | Mirrored | Streaming
480p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p (Hardsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
1080p (Harsub Indo): Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
540p (RAW): Krakenfles | Google Drive | MediaFire | Sendcm | Upstreaam | Hexupload | Streaming
Sub Indo | Eng Sub | Indexsub
Episode 5
360p: TeraBox | HellaBYTE | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
480p: TeraBox | Upstream | Mirrored | HellaBYTE | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
720p: TeraBox | Upstream | Mirrored | HellaBYTE | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
Episode 6 Revisi
360p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
480p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
720p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
Episode 7
360p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
480p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
720p: TeraBox | Hexupload | Upstream | Mirrored | Streamws | Krakenfile | Gofile
Episode 8
360p: TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile
480p: TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile
720p: TeraBox | HellaBYTE | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile
Episode 9
360p: Krakenfiles | | MegaUp | Upstream | SendCM | TeraBox | Filemoon | Google Drive | Mirrored | Filelions | Mixdrop | Streaming
480p: Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
720p: Kraefiles | GDrive | Mirror | Upstrem | Uptobox | MegaUp | Send | Streaming
Episode 10
360p: TeraBox | Hexupload | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile
720p: TeraBox | Hexupload | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile
Episode 11
360p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
480p: TeraBox | Hexupload | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
720p: TeraBox | Hexupload | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
Episode 12
360p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
480p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
720p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
Episode 13
360p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
480p: TeraBox | Userdirve | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
720p: TeraBox | | StreamTP | GETT | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
Episode 14 END
360p: TeraBox | Stream | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
480p: TeraBox | Stream | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
720p: TeraBox | Stream | MegaUp | Upstream | Mirrored | Krakenfile | Gofile | FileMoon
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